Coco Sock Tops

Coco sock tops are perfect to sit on top of any ankle boot for extra warmth in the cold months or even to wear around the house when your slippers just do not quite cut it. Sock tops are a fashionable and practical addition to any wardrobe.

Difficulty: Medium/Advanced
Finished Size: One size fits most. 12”-14” circumference. 9” Long
Hook: 3.5mm
US crochet terms.

1 skein Madeline Tosh Merino Light
420 yards | 384 meters per skein
(used about half of skein, the remaining yarn I used for the Coco sock tops )

2 mini skeins Unicorn Tails
52 yards | 47 meters (each)

100% Merino wool | fingering weight | single-ply

Stitches Used

ch = chain,
sl st = slip stitch,
sc = single crochet,
dc = double crochet,
bldc = back loop double crochet,
hdc = half-double crochet

hhdc = herringbone Stitch (hhdc): Yarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over and pull through stitch and first loop on hook, yarn over and pull through both loops on hook.

3rd loop: The 3rd loop is located behind the regular stitch of any hdc.

Kits can be purchased from Yarn Crush
or email directly to or via their Facebook page

Or you can purchase your own custom colors here on

Download Blue

Love Emma May
