Water Grenades!

Keep the kiddos cool this this summer with these easy, quick crochet water grenades!

So you’ve most likely seen the new trend – reusable water balloons.  Fun .. No mess.. Reusable.. Hours of fun.

So that’s what I set out to do this weekend. Keeping the “i’m bored” and “i’m hot” at bay over the summer holidays is a task for any parent. Lucian my 10 year old said he wanted something with more humph and pow, not the slap and splat that comes with the regular crochet water balloon..

So while walking around my dollar store it came to me 🙂 Water Grenades!


Here’s how:

Bernat Blanket Yarn
Car Sponge (I used a 3″ thick one at my local dollar store)
9mm Hook (because I didn’t have the recommended 8mm 🙂
Pen & Scissors


Trace 2″ circles on to the sponge, I used an egg cup and got 8 circles

Draw Sponge
Cut out your circles, they don’t have to be perfect.

Cut Sponge

Using your 9mm hook make a magic loop

1. ch3 (counts as 1 dc), make 9 more dc’s into loop, sl st to 3rd chain = 10 dc
2. ch3 (counts as 1 dc), make a dc in each of the back loops, sl st to 3rd chain = 10 dc
3. ch3 (counts as 1 dc), make a dc in each st, sl st to 3rd chain = 10 dc
4. ch3 (counts as 1 dc), make a dc in each st, sl st to 3rd chain = 10 dc
Stuff you sponge grenade inside the pouch just made.
5. ch3 (counts as 1 dc), make a dc in each of the back loops, sl st to 3rd chain = 10 dc

Cut yarn leaving a tail, weave the tail in and out of the 10 dc’s and pull tight to close. Fasten off

one down

Let the water fight commence 🙂

Love Pippin